Greetings, TSAOHN members,
The board of directors and chapter presidents met on August 06, 2022.
- We were saddened to learn that Ronda Dillard has passed; she was the TSAOHN Communications director and a dear colleague who served Texas for many years. Please remember her family in prayer.
- Our 2022 State Conference will take place November 3-5, 2022 at the Moody Gardens Convention Center in Galveston, TX. The theme, “A Year like No Other… What’s Next?” will be an exciting gathering, in person for the first time in three years! Early Bird Registration rate ends soon! Please mark your calendars and register today!
- The board conducted the required review and revision of TSAOHN By-laws. A copy of these revisions will be e-mailed to all members 30 days before voting during the conference business meeting. TSAOHN Policy & Procedure manual review and final edits will be incorporated in December 2022 and will then be available on our website.
- Articles on the history of nursing in Houston, Texas were donated by Dr. Katherine Moore, a past president. The board is exploring the possibility of posting the articles on the TSAOHN website and/or adding them to the archives at the Center for American History at UT Austin.
- TSAOHN donated $250 to the HTAOHN philanthropic project, Lucille’s 1913 which works to improve food insecurities in the Houston area.
- The ATAOHN chapter resolution was acknowledged, effective 5/31/22.
- Janie De Jesus, secretary, reported on a TSAOHN contribution to Sam Houston State University nursing students. On May 7, 2022 their Lowman Student Center hosted a Student Appreciation Dinner, an event to celebrate students’ work throughout the semester. An auction was held for students to bid on donated items using pseudo money accumulated through an incentive program. TSAOHN donated a beautiful engraved Littmann stethoscope that was received by a grateful nursing student.
The TSAOHN Board of Directors works to support you, the members, and we all need to be active to sustain our chapter. Smiling faces and willing hands are needed; please volunteer to serve on one of your boards at the local, state or national level. Start by attending our very special conference this year!
Melinda Cordova, BSN, RN, COHN/CM
President, TSAOHN