I am blessed and honored to have the opportunity to represent our TSAOHN Organization once more.
For the past 30 years I have had the privilege to actively represent our members as State President, Director of Awards, Director of Conference Vendors, President for Members at Large and as Director for AAOHN National Board of Directors.
While serving our TSAOHN and National Board, I was awarded the Medique Leadership Award, the OMI Achievement Award and AAOHN Fellowship Award.
During my tenure as a Board member, I have been active working diligently in addressing the issues of our organization. I advocated for and contributed to strategies and provide opportunities for sharing and problem solving.
My commitment for TSAOHN is to strive for and promote excellence among our members. To mentor and encourage our new and seasoned members to take active part in our organization by volunteering to be candidates for Board positions. The board needs you, your ideas, your contributions to share new technology, education, and job opportunities for our young and new Occupational Health Nurses.
My vision is to have well prepared occupational health nurse leaders who will lead our members in meeting the challenges of new future changes and demands.
I am enthusiastic and excited to partake in the work of the Board of Directors, this time as Election Advisor. With your help, I will work relentlessly on your behalf to bring new candidates to run for office so we can give our members choices.
You are our most valuable resource! As an individual chapter level, your membership strengthens our association and promotes our credibility and value as a profession.
As Occupational Health Professionals, we are the best for improvising and make things work with very little resources and small membership. We make difficult tasks work. I challenge each of you to be the leaders and serve with unconditional love and dedication for our organization.
Servant leaders seek the best intervals of those they lead, expecting nothing in return. Take action, Act by volunteering as a candidate for TSAOHN Board if not for state, then your local chapter. One person can make a difference.
I am looking forward to serving you as your Election Advisor and pledge to do my best in representing you with pride and integrity.
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